Best 15 Things To Do In Oxford, England
England / April 02, 2023

Best 15 Things To Do In Oxford, England

Oxford is a city located in central England, known for its prestigious university, stunning architecture, and rich history. It is home to numerous museums, galleries, and landmarks, which attract visitors from all over the world. Here are 15 of the best things to do in Oxford:

1.Visit the Ashmolean Museum:

The Ashmolean is the world's first university museum and houses a collection of art and archaeology from around the globe.

2.Explore the Oxford University Colleges:

Oxford University is made up of 38 colleges, each with its unique history and architecture.

3.Walk along the Oxford Canal:

The Oxford Canal is a beautiful waterway that runs through the city and is perfect for a leisurely stroll.

4.Visit the Botanic Garden:

The Botanic Garden is a peaceful oasis in the heart of Oxford, with over 6,000 different types of plants.

5.Explore the Covered Market:

The Covered Market is a historic market with over 50 stalls selling everything from fresh produce to handmade crafts.

6.Take a tour of the Bodleian Library:

The Bodleian Library is one of the oldest libraries in Europe and houses over 12 million items.

7.Visit the Oxford Castle and Prison:

The Oxford Castle and Prison is a historic castle that has been converted into a museum and hotel.

8.Take a trip to Blenheim Palace:

Blenheim Palace is a stunning country house and UNESCO World Heritage Site, located just outside of Oxford.

9.See the Bridge of Sighs:

The Bridge of Sighs is a stunning covered bridge that connects two parts of Hertford College.

10.Visit the Pitt Rivers Museum:

The Pitt Rivers Museum is a fascinating museum that displays anthropology and archaeology collections from around the world.

11.See the Radcliffe Camera:

The Radcliffe Camera is an iconic building in Oxford, which is part of the Bodleian Library.

12.Walk through Port Meadow:

Port Meadow is a beautiful meadow located on the outskirts of Oxford and is perfect for a picnic or a walk.

13.Visit the Oxford Science Museum:

The Oxford Science Museum is a family-friendly museum with interactive exhibits and hands-on activities.

14.See the Sheldonian Theatre:

The Sheldonian Theatre is a stunning building designed by Christopher Wren and is used for concerts and events.

15.Take a ghost tour:

Oxford is known for its ghost stories and haunted locations, and there are several ghost tours available for those who dare.

Overall, Oxford is a city with something for everyone. Whether you're interested in history, architecture, or nature, there's plenty to see and do in this beautiful city.


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